Maryanne Russell

Maryanne is a foodie at heart and loves all things cooking: cook books, binge-watching Food Network, kitchen gadgets, you name it. When hosting, she enjoys seeing every detail through - setting the menu, picking the perfect serving plates, utensils, centerpieces, and then even plays themed music in the background (think "That's Amore" on Italian night). These theme nights are best when her kids are home and in the kitchen with her; she claims that it's mayhem in the best way. Because of her refined palate, Maryanne has developed a taste for Green Juice- her actual favorite food! When she isn't breaking bread, she is growing her relationship with Jesus. She's been blessed by her time in C2C groups and has recently been drawn to contemplative prayer. She especially appreciates sitting peacefully in her "prayer chair" at home and simply enjoying God's presence.

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