
using our time, talent, and treasure

Discipleship in action

What is stewardship?

Stewardship is discipleship in action. Living as disciples who are grateful of all God's gifts, we strive to be good stewards by sharing our time, talent, and treasure to help carry out the mission Jesus entrusted to us. Through the witness of our lives, we help others encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another and the world.

Stewardship allows you to share your unique gifts in love and service to our parish family, our community, and beyond the borders. Come discover and share your talents, prioritize time find a good fit for service, and consider giving to the parish financially. Together we can make an impact on the world!

How do we know how God is calling us to share our gifts?

Most importantly, we make spending time in prayer a priority. As we deepen our relationship with God through the habit of daily prayer, we become more adept at understanding God's will in our lives. Discovering our gifts and talents helps us identify how God is calling each of us to a unique purpose. At St. B's, we'd love to help you find out what your unique gifts are and help you put them into service.


Share your time with Jesus, one another, and the world through service. Service, of any kind, is a beautiful way to do just that! At St. B's, we want to support your passions and find the right place for you to express your call. Whether you're looking to serve at St. B's, the community, or the world, or have something stirring in your heart that you need help activating, let us know! We’re always here to listen and support you in your mission to give of yourself to others.


At St. B's, we know that God created you and gifted you for a grand purpose. We want to help you discover your gifts and find ways to serve that are the right fit for you. We offer two different options and recommend you explore both.


Sharing your treasure is an integral part of discipleship. And as members of a faith community, we know that it takes all of us to accomplish God’s work. If we all chip in, in proportion to our resources, we can make a significant impact in the lives of others—those in our parish family, in our community, and well beyond Pacific Beach. We prayerfully and intentionally consider what we are being called to give to our Sunday offering, the annual catholic appeal, and other worthwhile causes.

Together we are Making an Impact!

We Serve and Provide: through our food pantry, Neighbors in Need, Give Back Sunday, and community outreach efforts

We Care and Support: through our bereavement, ministry to the homebound, Catholic School tuition assistance, and more

We Gather and Grow: Mass and Sacraments, Prayer, RCIA, C2C small groups, gifts-discovery, GIFT family faith formation, youth ministry, young adults, seniors, and more

 “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." - Matthew 28:19-20


Explore ways to give of your time, talent, or treasure, or contact Maryanne
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