
we are called to serve

Explore ways to serve at St. B's, in the community, or the world

We are called to share our gifts with one another 

Service, of any kind, is a beautiful way to do just that! At St. B's, we want to support your passions and help you find the right place for you to express your call. Explore some of the ways you can serve at the parish, in the community, or the world. Explore below the many ways God might be calling you to use your gifts to serve others.

Click the serve button to let us know a little more about yourself and how you might be interested in serving. And if you have community service inquiries, click the community service button.

Serve at Mass 

Do you feel called to serve at Mass perhaps as a Eucharistic Minister, usher/greeter, altar server, lector, musician, or at the coffee cart?

Serve at Mass

Work with Kids and Teens

Do you like working with kids and teens? Help by providing childcare at various events, working with kids during the Sunday 9 am Mass, during the school year in our GIFT program, or one week in the summer at VBS. Work with teens by helping with confirmation prep or youth group?

Work with Kids
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Work with Seniors

Do you like working with seniors at parish events such as our monthly senior luncheon. What about taking the Eucharist, making phone calls or sending greeting cards to our homebound parishioners?

Work with Seniors

Pray for Others

Do you feel called to spend a holy hour in adoration each Thursday, or monthly at nightWATCH? What about joining the intercessory prayer team and praying for those who provide us their prayer intentions?

Pray for Others

Hospitality at Parish Events

Do you like to plan, organize, or help at parish events?  Perhaps you like being on the planning committee, or maybe you prefer to just help out during the event with set-up, hospitality, or clean-up.

Help with Parish Events
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Neighbors in Need

Food Pantry

Serving our local community right here in PB, Neighbors in Need provides a warm, home-cooked meal to over 100 people 2x/month on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings. Our Food Pantry packs, delivers, and/or distributes food weekly on Tuesday mornings.

Neighbors - call Mo 858.270.5416 Neighbors - Donate Food Pantry
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Compass Station

One block away is The Compass Station a place where those experiencing homelessness can do laundry, charge a device, and use the computers. However, the main purpose is to connect people to services and resource providers that can help as they journey off of the street.

Saint Brigid parishioners share their time and talents with guests in a variety of ways.

Our parish is partnering with Compass Station this Christmas-see the giving tree in the vestibule of the Church for gift ideas from their Amazon wishlist.

Compass Website Email Caryn

Million Meals Event

Save the Date: June 8-9, 2024

We at St. B's have supported Casa de los Pobres in Tijuana for many years, most recently by joining with 3,000 people from around the diocese to package over one million meals via the Million Meals Event, held each June. We also support Casa by donating Halloween candy and dental supplies for the Christmas giveaway.

Million Meals Event Casa Website Email Caroline

Friends and Helpers of Madre Bernice "Equador Mission"

FHMB was started by two of our parishioners, Betty Matteson and Katie Brown, who in 2003 travelled to Ecuador as pilgrims. Over the years they continued to visit Ecuador and established their non-profit organization in 2006. Their mission is inspired by the teaching of Jesus and call to have a preferential love of the poor. Each spring, as part of their main fundraising efforts, they host a fun pasta dinner.

FHMB Website Email Katie

 “"If I therefore, the master and the teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. I have given you a model to follow so that as I have done for you, you should also do. -John 13:14-15

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